Let us be Valiant, Vigilant and VICTORIOUS!

Targeting the FFXIVCore Admin

Zyuu is so universally hated by his own staff that you know he has crossed over that invisible line which separates us decent human beings from the animals.  He is such an oppressive leader he all but guaranteed that his staff was going to talk to whomever would listen -- and they did.  He is such a poor judge of character, he has surrounded himself with weak minded glory hounds.  Duck, Draconix, Evicerator, and several others are all riding his coat tails for beta keys.  Once they get what they are after they will be even less likely to continue weathering his abuse.  How long does it take a bad leader to learn from his own stupidity?  Is pie in the face sufficient enough to guarantee change?  I truly hope that it is.

A couple months ago I was approached by Duck to become a member of the Wiki team on FFXIVCore.  In our very first IRC conversation, Duck played his entire hand!  I got dirt on Zyuu you wouldn't believe; I got everything from his oppressive management style to his abuse of community members and public humiliation of staff.  I never spoke with Duck again after that night.  He indicated that if I began working on the Wiki as if I were already part of the team... that it would increase my odds of getting the position.  That was the final hoorah.  I was actually being asked to perform the duties of a position so that I might later be hired officially to that same role.  This is a classic dupe which, of course, I saw coming from a mile away.

Then I interviewed for the position and was told I would have a yes or no answer by the end of that week.  When Zyuu's staff never got back to me, I became painfully aware of just how badly the organization is ran.  Not only is their recruiting process a joke, but their leaders are spilling their guts to anybody who will listen.  Then Zyuu played his hand to his "trusted associates."

According to my contact, Zyuu stated clearly that:
1. He is in possession of, or going to be in possession of 40 beta keys.
2.  He was told, by his handlers, that FFXIV Beta will begin in the first week of March.
3.  He was willing to sell the keys to interested parties.  

He told this to several individuals who then, as expected, violated his trust almost instantly and told dozens of other individuals, of which I am one.  Another individual, Plavian, took the opportunity to campaign for a key in the IRC channel where it was witnessed by another dozen members.  What is shocking to me is the level of tolerance people have for scumbags like Zyuu.  Of all the parties involved, why am I the only one with screen shots?  Where is the outcry?

I went out of my way to keep all of my contacts and my intelligence a secret.  I sent it privately to 5 administrators of competing fan sites who then delievered it into the hands of Curse and Square Enix handlers.  Up until that point, my identity and the identity of my source were protected.  But then Zyuu decided to take my name public.  This is the post he made, on a locked thread mind you, in which he begins a smear campaign against yours truly.  Unfortunately, in between page refreshing he deleted this post, so all I was able to acquire was a cut and paste file.

Once he went public, I did as well.  True to form, the first thing he did was lie by going on other forums and saying he never went public.  He did this on every one of my threads in a failed attempt to discredit me.  This screen shot, taken from ZAM forums, is indicative of his extensive excuse making and blatant lying in order to back his way out of the trouble I put him in.

At this point I made the decision to stop all posting and to just lurk on my various IP addresses when I notice that I am being hacked.  In this screen shot you can see that Zyuu claimed  that my inability to access my FFXIVCore account was due to local power outages.  However, I video taped myself being locked out at one computer but then simultaneously signing in on my laptop using a different account and IP address.  So perhaps he didn't IP ban me, but then I started getting this message on several accounts, some not even related to FFXIVCore.  This indicates that somebody was trying to access my accounts and to this day I still cannot successfully login with my name and password.  (Update: I have officially been IP banned)

Perhaps Square Enix will punish both the Core and Curse by canceling their beta keys altogether.  Perhaps when this blog goes live, people will see Zyuu for what he is. I burned several bridges to get this result.  I realize there are no guarantees that anybody will even remember this in a month's time.  But then again, maybe that's exactly what I want.   V.

