Let us be Valiant, Vigilant and VICTORIOUS!


For too long We have paid our fees while elitists and money changers manipulate the game for personal profit and greed. With no regard for talent or creativity, they take the fun out of the game and make of it a chore, a routine. They take advantage, mock, belittle and betray us all. They hate without reason and love only themselves. The virtual world, IS their world...

We come to make them account for all their misdeeds. We are justice, We are vengeance, and We are truth. The time has come for the players to take back what is rightfully theirs.

Elitists and Money changers beware! For We are within and without. We hear your confessions, We read your private messages, and We are watching you. You know not the hour of our coming, but you will never forget the day of our victory. This is our game!  And if it's fair play we desire... We take by force!!   V.

