I am the average man you meet in real life. I chat about getting drunk, smoking pot, politics and gaming. I might see you at the bar later tonight or even bag your groceries. I'm married, I'm single, I'm a student, I'm graduated. You know nothing and everything about me at the same time. Perhaps it's best not to think of me as a person, but rather all that which a person is lacking.
If you cheat and steal, I am your conscience proclaiming your guilt. If you abuse and ridicule, I am your heart uncovering your shame. If you are proud, I am your memory of humbler times. I can, therefore I shall -- be your shadow.
I have witnessed enough sadness, frustration and anger to last 10 lifetimes. I watch as countless of my brothers and sisters do NOTHING! You idly stand by watching, waiting for somebody else to act! Instead of holding your leaders accountable for their actions you leech on hoping for some benefit to come your way. You who are idle, are just as guilty. Too many of you know about cheaters and say nothing. Too many excuse elitism because they secretly harbor a desire to belong. You sacrifice principle for popularity. You forget your honor... for wealth. I am not such a person, I am action.
Yes, FFXIV is a game and we all pay the same price for admittance. The tolerance and apathy of most players is what gives the power to the elitists and money changers to ruin the game. If we all upheld the standard and valued our honor, we would each rid the game of one elitist or money changer. We can drive them from the game or make them so uncomfortable that they dare not reveal themselves. I have started with Zyuu. Who am I to rid the community of one more scumbag?
Who are you to abide their presence?!? V.