Let us be Valiant, Vigilant and VICTORIOUS!

Saturday, February 20

Have you forgotten?

Have you forgotten what they did to FFXI?? Are you so apathetic that you have no memory of how the elitists and money changers permanently altered the way we all play FFXI?? You don't remember the permanently camped HNM's being botclaimed? You forgot that an Astral Ring once cost 1.25 Million gil? You never had the pleasure of watching your linkshell leader swap servers with 20-150 Million gil in the bank -- THAT YOU FARMED FOR HIM?? Well, I guess you need reminding...

I say Elitism anywhere is a threat to fair play everywhere. If we do not think what Zyuu did is a big deal then what is a big deal? Don't you realize that FFXI didn't turn into a wasteland of elitists and money changers overnight? It was a slow process that you all stood by and watched...waiting for somebody...to do something... I send a message: You will be exposed for what you are and there are consequences for your decisions. Zyuu is guilty of manipulating the game before it has even been launched! Do you think he is the first and last to do such a thing?? Will we all just keep quiet this time? When our friends buy gil? When your leader sells his account? When you have found an exploit??? Fair play my friends -- We can get it for ourselves or sit on our hands waiting for Square Enix to do it for us. Your tolerance for cheaters, scammers, elitists and money changers is what destroyed FFXI for so long. This time Square Enix says they are prepared... This time I say "SO ARE WE!" V.

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